The Association encourages all tenants to have House Contents Insurance, to protect their contents / belongings from Fire, Flood, Theft, etc.
The Diamond Insurance Scheme is a specialist home contents insurance scheme offered to members by the SFHA in conjunction with Thistle Insurance Services Ltd. Diamon is an afforable and flexible scheme designed to protect our tenants against a whole range of risks.
If you are interested in finding out more about House Contents Insurance, please contact the Association’s office. or visit the thistle insurance web page, by clicking the link
Escape of water can be caused by several issues, from burst pipes due to freezing temperatures, to a leaking dishwasher or an overflowing blocked toilet.
Escape of water can happen at any time and even the smallest leak can cause significant damage to your home. To help protect your home contents and belongings, you may consider taking out a home contents insurance policy.
We all know what devastating effects the weather can have. Whether it is gale force winds, rainwater bursting riverbanks and flooding homes, or frost bursting pipes.
Your landlord is responsible for insuring your buildings, but its your responsibility to insure your home contents and personal belongings. Thats why it is good idea to consider what a home contents insurance policy covers you for and to build the cost of insurance premium into your monthly budget outgoings.
The Thistle Tenant Risks Home Contents Insuarance scheme provides cover for your home contents and personal belongings. There are also optional covers available for an additional premium, such as extended accidental damage, and personal possesions (cover for items away from the home). You can also choose to add cover for wheelchairs and hearing aids.
Find out more by visiting